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不管你是想跑马拉松, 掌握新食谱, 或者克服恐惧, you’ve probably been told – or tell yourself – that you have to step out of your comfort zone. 快速地看一下 谷歌 搜索 如何走出你的舒适区 你会被关于如何做到这一点的清单和建议狂轰滥炸. 说起来容易做起来难, 这对你的成长和自信是非常重要的.

这些好处不仅仅适用于你的个人生活和成就, 它们也适用于流媒体. 是的,真的.

我们的行业再一次处在巨大变革的风口浪尖. 正如达尔文在他的进化论中所预言的那样, serious market competition for dwindling resources dictates that only the nimble who can adapt quickly will survive.

由于成本上升和通货膨胀,消费者限制了他们的支出, they will look closely at their subscriptions for TV 和 video services to determine who makes the cut. 那么,你如何确保自己能够发展并达到他们的要求呢?


为了在市场中保持竞争力&E industry – 和 ultimately survive – video service providers must adapt 和 change fast.

一些早期采用者在M&E industry seem to have read up on some of the numerous how-to 文章 on stepping out of your comfort zone 和 have already gotten started. 他们背弃了铁板公司, 定制技术部署,转而采用多租户SaaS解决方案. 有趣的是, we are finding these are not just those born-in-the cloud streaming services that might initially come to mind – though they are certainly more open to the SaaS approach – but also more traditional pay TV providers 和 telecommunications companies.



更传统的M&E公司往往比较保守,对SaaS持怀疑态度, 因为之前的参与模式提供了弹性, 可靠性和控制-所有追求的品质.

The aforementioned pacesetters’ motivation for change is that the SaaS model helps address many of their biggest headaches: launching 和 updating streaming services quickly, 打击流媒体盗版, 更高效、更低碳的视频传输, 和 the ability to take advantage of new monetization techniques 和 revenue models. 所有这一切都得益于SaaS优越的特性速度, 易于集成, 随需应变的可伸缩性, 以及简化的运营成本预算模型. SaaS的美妙之处在于它所支持的创新速度.

One particular factor driving SaaS is the increased appetite for advertising, which we’ve seen with 网飞公司迪斯尼的 最近在部分地区推出了广告服务. 虽然重点曾经是用户获取和市场份额, broadcasters 和 video service providers are now dem和ing the flexibility to create new AVOD 和 FAST services that help counteract the cost of content, 因为观众希望削减开支.

直到现在, 服务提供商除了定制之外几乎没有其他选择, 涉及大量sdk和缓慢瀑布测试的复杂部署. It can take months for acceptance testing to 支持 the launch of a single feature or a new device, which – in today’s rapidly evolving business 和 technology environment – is simply unsustainable.

与SaaS, 视频服务提供商可以从小处着手, 例如,快速行动并进行实验, 在一个新的市场上推出流媒体服务——对软件充满信心 效率、敏捷性和规模.

With a modular suite of solutions, companies don’t have to put all their eggs in one basket. 他们可以从小事做起, 只付他们需要的钱, 然后随着需求的发展,轻松添加更多包或服务. Committing to a SaaS model gives content owners 和 service providers ongoing access to improvements 和 capabilities.

而且,SaaS并不仅仅适用于大公司. Its effects are disruptive as the entry barrier to these new levels of experimentation 和 creativity have been lowered 和 its modular nature provide opportunities for smaller 和 non-conventional businesses. 我们只需要让行动缓慢的人也加入进来.


功能速度是最显著的变化. 与SaaS, new features are added virtually every day whereas hosted cloud environments with waterfall acceptance are often updated semi-annually or even annually.

消费者的注意力持续时间在减少,因此发布新内容的能力也在下降 和特性新的UI、新的见解等等都是至关重要的——SaaS增强了这种能力.

在一个瞬息万变的世界, the velocity 和 agility SaaS provides is game changing for us 和 more importantly for our customers – with quick adaption come quick results. 它影响了我们公司的每个部门,包括我们的销售方式, 支持, 与客户签订合同. Video platform deployments no longer need to be personalized to each customer – with the SaaS model, 任何定制只需要发生在边缘.

因此,我们的产品交付在过去一年中显著增加. 另外, we have evolved our development approach to one that considers the complete customer experience, resulting in more consistent new feature releases as we are no longer building for a blue-sky future. 相反,所有东西都是通过内置的市场验证交付的.


M&E industry is a relatively late adopter of SaaS 和 one of the main reasons is that it requires major changes – not just within the vendor community but also within the user community.  简单地说, video service providers can’t comprehend the benefits of SaaS without changing their operating model to accommodate a high velocity 和 multi-tenanted approach, 最显著的是验收测试. 正如我们所知道的,改变是令人生畏的.

However, those that don’t change will inevitably be outcompeted by more agile competitors over time. 不适应的公司将无法提供新的内容, 新的用户体验, 用户界面或新见解的速度要快于竞争对手. 与此同时, those that do adopt SaaS will give their customers a better service 和 will benefit from a much lower cost of ownership, 最终定位为长期增长. 客户不承担操作解决方案的负担, 从而解放了通常管理服务的IT人员. This responsibility falls on the SaaS provider, giving customers freedom 和 peace of mind.

重要的是, the product won’t just be better from a user experience 和 a feature functionality perspective, releasing software in small chunks that can be easily verified 和 backed out as necessary dramatically increases quality as well.  最后, well-designed cloud-based APIs 支持 a new level of openness that gives users the option of integrating point solutions or procuring suites of solutions from their preferred software suppliers.  This openness is something that Synamedia has embraced strongly for its own solutions.

无论是结识新朋友, 学习缝纫, 或者采用SaaS模型, 改变是可怕的, 但正如托马斯·富勒所说的那样, 凡事必先难后易.” Delivering with SaaS has shifted our cultural mindset as we have seen the game-changing effects first-h和.  在这个内容的黄金时代, 消费者想要在眨眼之间改变他们观看的内容和方式吗, it’s time to step out of your comfort zone 和 make sure you’re changing fast enough to make the cut.

[编者注:这是来自 Synamedia. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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